Saturday, April 27, 2013

The New Port and getting ready for the Show

Antonis had two boats to show me at the new port, while he was on his way to get more parts for his boat repairs. Also we went to the "paper" store in order to ask about getting paper to cover the orange walls of the gallery. For me, the orange color will clash with my images since I will have no frames. I will be putting up images with double sided tape or stickum.
Just outside the door was a neighborhood cat that the family feeds. You get the picture.
We saw a world class sailing ketch, with the skipper resting in the shade. Antonis thought she was from Sweden.
 This boat came in from Holland last year and then suddenly sunk. It has been abandoned.
 You can not see her massive yellow bowsprit going off to the left.
Lying next to her is an abandoned work (fishing) boat. It sank suddenly and has been left to rot.
You can see tour and large work boats in the background. To the left are individual fishing boats that have three spools for bringing in their nets.
You can see that pleasure sailors mix in with the working craft.
He is mending nets. I laughed at his old soda drink cooler used for storage of the catch.

Antonis shopping for his boat parts.
Notice, no matter where you go in the world, there is WD40.
Will this part work?

On the way to the paper shop, near school, we passed the new fort. I will be going there soon.
440 years old. Look at its condition.
We passed a display for a rotisserie. A WOODEN lamb carving on the spit.
Looking at the New Fort

Kerkyra is the only walled city in Greece.

The church tower and wall have been kept from WWII
All else is new. The Germans, Italians, and Americans bombed the city.
I am thinking of doing a series on the window displays.

I made an image like this, in B.W, 55 years ago in Grad School.
Now days I do this.

Fish Spa

And seeing is believing. The pigeons are everywhere, even INSIDE  the Super Market
Ta Leme

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